D2I Monthly Update: CapybaraDEX (Aug 2024)

Capybara Monthly Update - August 2024

Monthly Recap Date Amount
KLAY received on the recent tranche 24-08-01 2,226,274
KLAY used as incentives 24-08-01 -53,360
Residing amount of KLAY 24-08-30 1,978,951.4613


Data Amount Unit
Average daily TVL 250,000 USD
Average daily transactions 88 TX
Average daily volumes 700 USD
Number of unique user addresses 400 ADDRESS
Burned Amount of KLAY from revenue 617.34 KLAY
Transaction fees 600 KLAY
Link to Dashboard showing metrics Dashboard

Plan For the next month

Amount of KLAY to be distributed Around 53,360 KLAY
Plans to use KLAY in the following month When KAIA chain is ready to launch, emissions will increase to attract more users. Until then, stand-by mode remains.
Summary of changes to the original plan (if any) Due to market conditions and the KAIA points delay, emissions have been reduced to save for future use.
Contracts that will be incentivized 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13 (USDT), 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD (WETH), 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe (WKLAY), 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87 (USDT), 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54 (USDC)
Mechanism for distribution incentives Incentivize LP staking and future collaborations with Wompets for KAIA chain adoption.

Contracts Incentivized (August 2024)

Contracts Incentivized Contract Address
USDT 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13
WETH 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD
WKLAY 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe
USDT 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87
USDC 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54

Summary of incentives used this month:

  • Every week, 3,290 KLAY is distributed to WKLAY, USDT, and WETH pools, with 1,735 KLAY distributed to the USDT/USDC pool, for a total of 13,340 KLAY per week.
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Capybara Monthly Update - September 2024

Monthly Recap

Monthly Recap Date Amount
KLAY received on the recent tranche 24-09-01 2,226,274
KLAY used as incentives 24-09-30 -76,460
Residing amount of KLAY 24-09-30 1,787,865


Data Amount Unit
Average daily TVL 260,000 USD
Average daily transactions 85 TX
Average daily volumes 532 USD
Number of unique user addresses 400 ADDRESS
Burned Amount of KLAY from revenue 946 KLAY
Transaction fees 500 USD
Link to Dashboard showing metrics Dashboard link same as above

Plan For the Next Month

Plan For the Next Month Description
Amount of KLAY to be distributed 84,160 KLAY
Plans to use KLAY When KAIA chain is ready to launch, emissions will increase to attract more users. Until then, stand-by mode remains.
Summary of changes to the original plan (if any) Due to market conditions and the KAIA points delay, emissions have been reduced to save for future use.

Contracts that will be incentivized

Contracts Incentivized Contract Address
USDT 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13
WETH 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD
WKLAY 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe
USDT 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87
USDC 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54
KLAY 0x43A1d076332E57DCF0bF1FD03C5c13A0e67FddE5

Summary of incentives used this month:

Every week, we send 3,290 KLAY each to the following pools WKLAY, USDT, WETH pools and 1,735 KLAY each to the USDT USDC pool and 7,700 to lst pool, for a total weekly emission of 21,040 KLAY a week.

Capybara Monthly Update - October 2024

Monthly Recap

Monthly Recap Date Amount
KLAY received on the recent tranche 24-10-01 2,226,274
KLAY used as incentives 24-10-30 -84,160
Residing amount of KLAY 24-10-30 1,703,719


Data Amount Unit
Average daily TVL 261,000 USD
Average daily transactions 100 TX
Average daily volumes 802 USD
Number of unique user addresses 400 ADDRESS
Burned Amount of KLAY from revenue 8,170 KLAY
Transaction fees 600 USD
Link to Dashboard showing metrics Dashboard link

Plan For the Next Month

Plan For the Next Month Description
Amount of KLAY to be distributed 84,160 KLAY
Plans to use KLAY When KAIA chain is ready to launch, emissions will increase to attract more users. Until then, stand-by mode remains.
Summary of changes to the original plan (if any) Due to market conditions and the KAIA points delay, emissions have been reduced to save for future use.

Contracts that will be incentivized

Contracts Incentivized Contract Address
USDT 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13
WETH 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD
WKLAY 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe
USDT 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87
USDC 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54
KLAY 0x43A1d076332E57DCF0bF1FD03C5c13A0e67FddE5

Summary of Incentives Used This Month

Every week, we send 3,290 KLAY each to the WKLAY, USDT, and WETH pools, 1,735 KLAY each to the USDT and USDC pools, and 7,700 KLAY to the LST pool, for a total weekly emission of 21,040 KLAY.

Capybara Monthly Update - December 2024

Monthly Recap

Monthly Recap Date Amount
KLAY received on the recent tranche 24-12-01 2,226,274
KLAY used as incentives 24-12-30 -84,160
Residing amount of KLAY 24-12-30 1,559,331


Data Amount Unit
Average daily TVL 55,200,000 USD
Average daily transactions 230 TX
Average daily volumes 1,825,000 USD
Number of unique user addresses 7,500 ADDRESS
Burned Amount of KLAY from revenue 5,852 USD
Transaction fees 2,980 USD
Link to Dashboard showing metrics Dashboard link -

Plan For the Next Month

Plan For the Next Month Description
Amount of KLAY to be distributed 84,160 KLAY
Plans to use KLAY When KAIA chain is ready to launch, emissions will increase to attract more users. Until then, stand-by mode remains.
Summary of changes to the original plan (if any) Due to market conditions and the KAIA points delay, emissions have been reduced to save for future use.

Contracts that will be incentivized

Contracts Incentivized Contract Address
USDT 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13
WETH 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD
WKLAY 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe
USDT 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87
USDC 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54
KLAY 0x43A1d076332E57DCF0bF1FD03C5c13A0e67FddE5

Summary of Incentives Used This Month

Every week, we send 3,290 KLAY each to the WKLAY, USDT, and WETH pools, 1,735 KLAY each to the USDT and USDC pools, and 7,700 KLAY to the LST pool, for a total weekly emission of 21,040 KLAY.

Capybara Monthly Update - January 2024

Monthly Recap

Monthly Recap Date Amount
KLAY received on the recent tranche 24-01-03 2,226,274.000
KLAY used as incentives in the last month 24-01-03 -84,160
Residing amount of KLAY 24-01-03 1,421,811


Data Amount Unit
Average daily TVL 58,500,000 USD
Average daily transactions 250 TX
Average daily volumes 1,550,000 USD
Number of unique user addresses 7,500 ADDRESS
Burned Amount of KLAY from revenue 429.4 USD
Transaction fees 21,350 USD
Link to Dashboard showing metrics Dashboard link -

Plan For the Next Month

Plan For the Next Month Description
Amount of KLAY to be distributed 84,160 KLAY
Plans to use KLAY When KAIA chain is ready to launch, emissions will increase to attract more users. Until then, stand-by mode remains.
Summary of changes to the original plan (if any) Due to market conditions and the KAIA points delay, emissions have been reduced to save for future use.

Contracts that will be incentivized

Contracts Incentivized Contract Address
USDT 0x166Ec456B284234A68433887284E123332521c13
WETH 0xfeC0AD98296ADE94d62C1D9019Ea134aAEFDcadD
WKLAY 0xD963B4c4ff21ED9eD178C683Ce63D4a1c99f7cDe
USDT 0x03FEE4e1ac7CC00269c4c3936649fE966A645C87
USDC 0x44c1AD5ee989AE8A0dA1D77A4448b931bEde0E54
KLAY 0x43A1d076332E57DCF0bF1FD03C5c13A0e67FddE5

Summary of Incentives Used This Month

Every week, we send 3,290 KLAY each to the WKLAY, USDT, and WETH pools, 1,735 KLAY each to the USDT and USDC pools, and 7,700 KLAY to the LST pool, for a total weekly emission of 21,040 KLAY.

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